ensureInitialized static method

Infospect ensureInitialized({
  1. int maxCallsCount = 1000,
  2. GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey,
  3. bool logAppLaunch = false,
  4. void onShareAllNetworkCalls(
    1. String path
  5. void onShareAllLogs(
    1. String path

Ensures the Infospect instance is initialized. If it's not initialized, it will initialize it with the provided arguments.

Returns the initialized instance of Infospect.


static Infospect ensureInitialized({
  int maxCallsCount = 1000,
  GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey,
  bool logAppLaunch = false,
  void Function(String path)? onShareAllNetworkCalls,
  void Function(String path)? onShareAllLogs,
}) {
  if (Infospect._instance == null) {
      maxCallsCount: maxCallsCount,
      navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
      logAppLaunch: logAppLaunch,
      onShareAllLogs: onShareAllLogs,
      onShareAllNetworkCalls: onShareAllNetworkCalls,
  return Infospect.instance;