inflection3 library

In grammar, inflection or inflexion is the modification of a word to express different grammatical categories such as tense, mood, voice, aspect, person, number, gender and case.

ActiveSupport Inflector Letter case


SNAKE_CASE → const Converter<String, String>
SPINAL_CASE → const Converter<String, String>


convertToPast(String word) String
convertToPlural(String word) String
convertToPluralVerb(String word) String
convertToSingular(String word) String
convertToSingularVerb(String word) String
convertToSnakeCase(String word) String
convertToSpinalCase(String word) String
isPastTense(String word) bool
returns true if this word is in the past tense
past(String word) String
pluralize(String word) String
pluralizeVerb(String word) String
singularize(String word) String
singularizeVerb(String word) String