Formation class abstract

Formation class

The "Formation" is a controller to execute a maneuver with a team of vehicles. It defines the:

  • Vehicles included in the formation group
  • Vehicles relative positions inside the formation
  • Reference frame where the relative positions are defined
  • Formation shape configuration
  • Plan (set of maneuvers) to be followed by the formation center
  • Plan contrains (virtual leader speed and bank limits)
  • Supervision settings

The formation reference frame may be:

  • Earth Fixed: Where the vehicles relative position do not depend on the followed path. This results in all UAVs following the same path with an offset relative to each other;
  • Path Fixed: Where the vehicles relative position depends on the followed path, changing the inter-vehicle offset direction with the path direction.
  • Path Curved: Where the vehicles relative position depends on the followed path, changing the inter-vehicle offset direction with the path direction and direction change rate. An offset in the xx axis results in a distance over the curved path line. An offset in the yy axis results in an offset of the vehicle path line relative to the formation center path line.


Formation([void updates(FormationBuilder b)?])


abbrev String
no setteroverride
commsTimeout int
The amount of time the maneuver is allowed to run without any update on the other formation vehicles states.
no setter
convergMax double
Threshold for the convergence measure, above which a time-out limit is evaluated to assert a maneuver abort state.
no setter
convergTimeout int
The amount of time the maneuver is allowed to run after the convergence threshold is surpassed.
no setter
custom String
Custom settings for maneuver.
no setter
description String
Verbose text description of plan.
no setter
dst int
no setterinherited
dstEnt int
no setterinherited
formationName String
Name of the formation configuration.
no setter
groupName String
Target group for the formation plan.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
leaderAltMax double
Maximum altitude allowed for the formation leader flight.
no setter
leaderAltMin double
Minimum altitude allowed for the formation leader flight.
no setter
leaderBankLim double
Maximum absolute bank allowed for the formation leader.
no setter
leaderSpeedMax double
Maximum speed allowed for the formation leader flight.
no setter
leaderSpeedMin double
Minimum speed allowed for the formation leader flight.
no setter
msgId int
no setteroverride
op FormationEnumOp
Operation to perform.
no setter
participants List<VehicleFormationParticipant>
List of formation participants.
no setter
planId String
The flight plan's identifier. Flight plan defined to be tracked by the formation leader.
no setter
posSimErrLim double
Limit for the position mismatch between real and simulated position, before a maneuver abort is asserted.
no setter
posSimErrTimeout int
The amount of time the maneuver is allowed to run after the position mismatch threshold is surpassed.
no setter
posSimErrWrn double
Warning threshold for the position mismatch between real and simulated position. Above this threshold a time-out limit is evaluated to assert a maneuver abort state.
no setter
referenceFrame FormationEnumReferenceFrame
Formation reference frame
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
src int
no setterinherited
srcEnt int
no setterinherited
sync int
no setterinherited
timestamp DateTime?
no setterinherited
turbLim double
Turbulence limit above which a maneuver abort is asserted.
no setter
type FormationEnumType
Indicates if the message is a request, or a reply to a previous request.
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
rebuild(dynamic updates(FormationBuilder)) Formation
Rebuilds the instance.
toBuilder() FormationBuilder
Converts the instance to a builder B.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


static_id → const int