copySchema function

Future<Database> copySchema(
  1. Database srcDatabase,
  2. IdbFactory dstFactory,
  3. String dstDbName

Copy a database to another return the opened database


Future<Database> copySchema(
    Database srcDatabase, IdbFactory dstFactory, String dstDbName) async {
  // Delete the existing
  await dstFactory.deleteDatabase(dstDbName);
  final version = srcDatabase.version;

  final schemaMeta = _SchemaMeta();
  // Get schema
  final storeNames = List<String>.from(srcDatabase.objectStoreNames);
  if (storeNames.isNotEmpty) {
    final txn = srcDatabase.transactionList(storeNames, idbModeReadOnly);
    for (final storeName in storeNames) {
      final store = txn.objectStore(storeName);
      final storeMeta = IdbObjectStoreMeta.fromObjectStore(store);
      for (final indexName in store.indexNames) {
        final index = store.index(indexName);
        final indexMeta = IdbIndexMeta.fromIndex(index);
    await txn.completed;

  void openOnUpgradeNeeded(VersionChangeEvent event) {
    final db = event.database;
    for (final storeMeta in schemaMeta.stores) {
      final store = db.createObjectStore(,
          keyPath: storeMeta.keyPath, autoIncrement: storeMeta.autoIncrement);
      for (final indexMeta in storeMeta.indecies) {
        var keyPath = indexMeta.keyPath;

        store.createIndex(!, keyPath,
            unique: indexMeta.unique, multiEntry: indexMeta.multiEntry);

  // devPrint('Open $dstDbName version $version');
  // Open and copy scheme
  final dstDatabase = await,
      version: version, onUpgradeNeeded: openOnUpgradeNeeded);
  return dstDatabase;