utils/idb_utils library


Cursor row.
Key cursor row.


copyDatabase(Database srcDatabase, IdbFactory dstFactory, String dstDbName) Future<Database>
Copy a database content to a new database.
copySchema(Database srcDatabase, IdbFactory dstFactory, String dstDbName) Future<Database>
Copy a database to another return the opened database
copyStore(Database srcDatabase, String srcStoreName, Database dstDatabase, String dstStoreName) Future
Copy a store from a database to another existing one.
cursorToKeyList(Stream<Cursor> stream, [int? offset, int? limit]) Future<List<Object>>
Convert an autoAdvance openKeyCursor stream to a list (must be auto-advance)
cursorToList(Stream<CursorWithValue> stream, [int? offset, int? limit]) Future<List<CursorRow>>
Convert an autoAdvance openCursor stream to a list
cursorToPrimaryKeyList(Stream<Cursor> stream, [int? offset, int? limit]) Future<List<Object>>
Convert an autoAdvance openKeyCursor stream to a list of key, must be auto-advance)
keyCursorToList(Stream<Cursor> stream, [int? offset, int? limit]) Future<List<KeyCursorRow>>
Convert an autoAdvance openKeyCursor stream to a list