ListICloudFileConvert extension

Extension on List



downloadFileFromICloud(String relativePath, String newPath, String containerId) Future<String?>

Available on List<ICloudFile>, provided by the ListICloudFileConvert extension

Downloads a file from iCloud
getNewPath(String path, String relativePath) Future<String>

Available on List<ICloudFile>, provided by the ListICloudFileConvert extension

Creates a new path for a file and copies its content
logFileSize(String filePath) Future<void>

Available on List<ICloudFile>, provided by the ListICloudFileConvert extension

Logs the file size for debugging purposes
toFile(List<String> path, dynamic containerId) Future<List<CloudFiles>>

Available on List<ICloudFile>, provided by the ListICloudFileConvert extension

Converts a list of ICloudFile objects to CloudFiles objects