protocol library
- Encapsulation
- All the data in an encapsulation is context-free, that is, nothing inside an encapsulation can refer to anything outside the encapsulation. This feature allows encapsulations to be forwarded among address spaces as a blob of data.
- EncodingVersion
- A version structure for the encoding version.
- Header
- Helper class, used to extract/puut header from/to a sequence of bytes.
- Identity
- The identity of an Ice object. In a proxy, an empty denotes a nil proxy. An identity with an empty and a non-empty Identity.category is illegal. You cannot add a servant with an empty name to the Active Servant Map.
- InputStream
- Interface for input streams used to extract Slice types from a sequence of bytes.
- Message
- For build and parse request/reply message Ice Protocol:
- OutputStream
- Interface for output streams used to create a sequence of bytes from Slice types.
- ProtocolVersion
- A version structure for the protocol version.
- ReplyData
- SliceFlag
- MessageType
- The Ice protocol message types
- OperationMode
- Determines the retry behavior an invocation in case of a (potentially) recoverable error.
- ProtocolSupport
- ReplyStatus
- SliceType
- currentEncoding → const EncodingVersion
- Identifies the latest protocol encoding version.
- currentProtocol → const ProtocolVersion
- Identifies the latest protocol version
- currentProtocolEncoding → const EncodingVersion
- Identifies the latest protocol encoding version
- encoding_1_0 → const EncodingVersion
- encoding_1_1 → const EncodingVersion
- flagHasOptionalMember → const int
- flagHasSize → const int
- flagHasTypeIdIndex → const int
- flagHasTypeIdString → const int
- Slice Class Encoding 1.1
- flagIsLast → const int
- headerSize → const int
- Size of the Ice protocol header
- magicLittleEndian → const int
- Speed up read and write magic.
- protocol_1_0 → const ProtocolVersion
EncodingVersion pv) → void -
ProtocolVersion pv) → void -
String s) → EncodingVersion -
String s) → List< int> -
String s) → ProtocolVersion
= Map<
String, String> -
A request context.
is used to transmit metadata about a request from the server to the client, such as Quality-of-Service (QoS) parameters. Each operation on the client has aContext
as its implicit final parameter. -
= List<
Identity> -
= Map<
Identity, Object> - WriteParams = void Function(OutputStream output)
Exceptions / Errors
- AlreadyRegisteredException
- BadMagicException
- CFNetworkException
- CloneNotImplementedException
- CloseConnectionException
- CloseTimeoutException
- CollocationOptimizationException
- CommunicatorDestroyedException
- CompressionException
- ConnectFailedException
- ConnectionLostException
- ConnectionManuallyClosedException
- ConnectionNotValidatedException
- ConnectionRefusedException
- ConnectionTimeoutException
- ConnectTimeoutException
- DatagramLimitException
- DNSException
- EncapsulationException
- EndpointParseException
- EndpointSelectionTypeParseException
- FacetNotExistException
- FeatureNotSupportedException
- FileException
- FixedProxyException
- IdentityParseException
- IllegalIdentityException
- IllegalMessageSizeException
- IllegalServantException
- InitializationException
- InvocationCanceledException
- InvocationTimeoutException
- MarshalException
- MemoryLimitException
- NoEndpointException
- NotRegisteredException
- NoValueFactoryException
- ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException
- ObjectAdapterIdInUseException
- ObjectNotExistException
- OperationInterruptedException
- OperationNotExistException
- PluginInitializationException
- ProtocolException
- ProxyParseException
- ProxyUnmarshalException
- RequestFailedException
- ResponseSentException
- SecurityException
- SocketException
- StringConversionException
- SyscallException
- TimeoutException
- TwowayOnlyException
- UnexpectedObjectException
- UnknownException
- UnknownLocalException
- UnknownMessageException
- UnknownReplyStatusException
- UnknownRequestIdException
- UnknownUserException
- UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException
- UnsupportedEncodingException
- UnsupportedProtocolException
- VersionMismatchException
- VersionParseException