i69n library


cardinal(int count, String languageCode, {String? zero, String? one, String? two, String? few, String? many, String? other}) String
See: http://cldr.unicode.org/index/cldr-spec/plural-rules
ordinal(int count, String languageCode, {String? zero, String? one, String? two, String? few, String? many, String? other}) String
See: http://cldr.unicode.org/index/cldr-spec/plural-rules
plural(int count, String languageCode, {String? zero, String? one, String? two, String? few, String? many, String? other}) String
Same as ordinal.
registerResolver(String languageCode, CategoryResolver resolver) → void


CategoryResolver = QuantityCategory Function(int count, QuantityType type)
Language specific function, which is provided with a number and should return one of possible categories. count is never null.