
A robust Dart library for parsing and manipulating i3 window manager configuration files.


  • Full support for i3 configuration syntax
  • Preserves comments and formatting
  • Handles nested sections
  • Type inference for values (numbers, booleans, strings)
  • Built-in JSON serialization
  • Preserves order of configuration elements
  • Comprehensive error handling


Add to your pubspec.yaml:

  i3config: ^2.0.0

Or use the development version:

      url: https://github.com/kingwill101/dart_i3config.git

Then run:

dart pub get

Basic Usage

Parse a simple i3 configuration:

import 'package:i3config/i3config.dart';

void main() {
  final config = I3Config.parse('''
  # Set mod key
  set $mod Mod4

  # Start terminal
  bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal

  // Access commands
  final commands = config.elements.whereType<Command>();
  print(commands.first.command); // "set $mod Mod4"

Working with Sections

Handle nested sections and properties:

final config = I3Config.parse('''
bar {
    status_command i3status
    position top
    colors {
        background #000000
        statusline #ffffff

final barSection = config.elements.whereType<Section>().first;
print(barSection.properties['position']); // "top"

final colorsSection = barSection.children.whereType<Section>().first;
print(colorsSection.properties['background']); // "#000000"

Type Support

Values are automatically parsed into appropriate types:

final config = I3Config.parse('''
general {
    interval = 1          # parsed as integer
    colors = true        # parsed as boolean
    format = "%H:%M:%S"  # parsed as string

final section = config.elements.whereType<Section>().first;
print(section.properties['interval'].runtimeType); // int
print(section.properties['colors'].runtimeType);   // bool

Array Handling

Support for i3's array syntax:

final config = I3Config.parse('''
# Status bar modules
order += "wireless wlan0"
order += "battery 0"
order += "clock"

final array = config.elements.whereType<ArrayElement>().first;
print(array.name);   // "order"
print(array.values); // ["wireless wlan0", "battery 0", "clock"]

Error Handling

The parser is designed to be forgiving with malformed input:

try {
  final config = I3Config.parse(malformedContent);
} catch (e) {
  print('Failed to parse config: $e');


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to:

  1. File bug reports and feature requests in Issues
  2. Submit Pull Requests with improvements
  3. Improve documentation


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Additional Resources


A library for parsing and manipulating i3 window manager configuration files.