i3config library

A library for parsing and manipulating i3 window manager configuration files.

This library provides a robust parser and data model for working with i3 configuration files. It handles all major i3 configuration elements including sections, properties, arrays, commands, and comments while preserving their structure and order.

Key Features

  • Full support for i3 configuration syntax
  • Preserves comments and formatting
  • Handles nested sections
  • Supports type inference for values (numbers, booleans, strings)
  • Built-in JSON serialization
  • Preserves order of configuration elements

Basic Usage

Parse an i3 configuration file:

import 'package:i3config/i3config.dart';

void main() {
  final config = I3Config.parse('''
  # Set mod key
  set $mod Mod4

  # Start terminal
  bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal

  // Access commands
  final commands = config.elements.whereType<Command>();
  print(commands.first.command); // "set $mod Mod4"

Working with Sections

The library handles nested sections with properties:

final config = I3Config.parse('''
bar {
    status_command i3status
    position top
    colors {
        background #000000
        statusline #ffffff

final barSection = config.elements.whereType<Section>().first;
print(barSection.properties['position']); // "top"

final colorsSection = barSection.children.whereType<Section>().first;
print(colorsSection.properties['background']); // "#000000"

Type Support

Values are automatically parsed into appropriate types:

final config = I3Config.parse('''
general {
    interval = 1          # parsed as integer
    colors = true        # parsed as boolean
    format = "%H:%M:%S"  # parsed as string

final section = config.elements.whereType<Section>().first;
print(section.properties['interval'].runtimeType); // int
print(section.properties['colors'].runtimeType);   // bool

Array Handling

Support for i3's array syntax:

final config = I3Config.parse('''
# Status bar modules
order += "wireless wlan0"
order += "battery 0"
order += "clock"

final array = config.elements.whereType<ArrayElement>().first;
print(array.name);   // "order"
print(array.values); // ["wireless wlan0", "battery 0", "clock"]

Core Classes

  • I3Config: The root container for all configuration elements
  • Section: Represents a configuration block with properties and nested elements
  • Property: Key-value pairs with type inference
  • ArrayElement: Represents array-like configurations with multiple values
  • Command: Raw i3 commands and directives
  • CommentBlock: Preserved comments with proper placement
  • I3ConfigParser: The main parsing engine

Error Handling

The parser is designed to be forgiving and will try to make sense of malformed input:

try {
  final config = I3Config.parse(malformedContent);
} catch (e) {
  print('Failed to parse config: $e');

Additional Information

For more details on i3 configuration syntax and options, see the i3 User Guide.


parseValue(String rawValue) → dynamic