Localization extension

When you create a widget that has translatable strings, add this default import to the widget's file:

import 'package:i18n_extension_core/default.i18n.dart';

This will allow you to add .i18n and .plural() to your strings, but won't translate anything.



i18n String

Available on String, provided by the Localization extension

It returns the same key provided, unaffected. This marks the string for future translation, and records the given key as a missing translation with unknown locale.
no setter


fill(List<Object> params) String

Available on String, provided by the Localization extension

Does an sprintf on the text with the params. This is implemented with the sprintf package: https://pub.dev/packages/sprintf
plural(dynamic value) String

Available on String, provided by the Localization extension

Translates a string where %d is replaced by the given number. It returns the same value provided, where %d is replaced by the given number. This marks the string for future translation, and records the given value as a key missing translation with unknown locale.