This class is used to define a CustomUI object which is used to make payments using the PaymentConst.
customUi payment type. It has parameters to define the checkoutId, brandName,
cardNumber, holderName, month, year, cvv and enabledTokenization (optional).
This class contains different constants used in Payment APIs including
Apple Pay, Ready UI, Custom UI, Custom UI STC, Stored Cards, Method Call,
Success, Error, and Sync.
This class is used to store the language constants used for Payment.
Constants include iOS's Arabic (ar) and English (en)
and Android's English (en_US) and Arabic (ar_AR).
PaymentResultManger is a class used to generate a PaymentResultData
object based on the paymentResult passed. It will return the respective paymentResult
with the errorString depending on the paymentResult passed.
ReadyUI class holds all the necessary data related to the ReadyUI payment method
which is used in PaymentConst. It is required to provide checkoutId when initializing the class.
Also, we can provide brandName and themColorHexIOS as optional values.
setStorePaymentDetailsMode is set to false by default.
This is the class for StoredCards. It has fields to store payment type,
checkoutId, tokenId, brandName and cvv. PaymentType is set to the PaymentConst.readyUi,
checkoutId and tokenId are required fields and brandName and cvv are optional fields.