pay method

Perform the transaction using iOS/Android HyperPay SDK.

It's highly recommended to setup a listner using HyperPay webhooks, and perform the requird action after payment (e.g. issue receipt) on your server.


Future<PaymentStatus> pay(CardInfo card) async {
  try {
    final result = await _channel.invokeMethod(
        'checkoutID': _checkoutID,
        'brand': _checkoutSettings?,
        'card': card.toMap(),

    log('$result', name: "HyperpayPlugin/platformResponse");

    if (result == 'canceled') {
      // Checkout session is still going on.
      return PaymentStatus.init;
    } else if (result == 'synchronous') {
      final status = await paymentStatus(
        headers: _checkoutSettings?.headers,

      final String code = status['code'];

      if (code.paymentStatus == PaymentStatus.rejected) {
        throw HyperpayException(
            "Rejected payment.", code, status['description']);
      } else {
        log('${code.paymentStatus}', name: "HyperpayPlugin/paymentStatus");

        _checkoutID = '';

        return code.paymentStatus;

    _checkoutID = '';

    return PaymentStatus.successful;
  } catch (e) {
    log('$e', name: "HyperpayPlugin/pay");