RollingTextEffect class

Rolls each character with a tape of characters individually to form the newText from the oldText.



RollingTextEffect({required String oldText, required String newText, EdgeInsets padding =, SymbolTapeStrategy tapeStrategy = const ConsistentSymbolTapeStrategy(0), Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge, Curve? tapeCurve, TapeSlideDirection tapeSlideDirection = TapeSlideDirection.up, bool staggerTapes = true, int staggerSoftness = 1, bool reverseStaggerDirection = false, double? fixedTapeWidth, Duration? widthDuration, Curve? widthCurve, TextStyle? style, StrutStyle? strutStyle, TextAlign? textAlign, TextDirection? textDirection, Locale? locale, bool? softWrap, TextOverflow? overflow, TextScaler? textScaler, int? maxLines, String? semanticsLabel, TextWidthBasis? textWidthBasis, TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior, Color? selectionColor})
Creates a RollingTextEffect.


clipBehavior Clip
Determines how the text should be clipped. The rendered text is going to be a fixed-height box based on the font size.
fixedTapeWidth double?
Can be optionally used to set a fixed width for each tape. If null, the width of each tape will be the width of the active character in the tape. If not null, the width of each tape will be the fixed width provided. Note that this will allow the text's characters to potentially overlap each other.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
locale Locale?
Used to select a font when the same Unicode character can be rendered differently, depending on the locale.
maxLines int?
An optional maximum number of lines for the text to span, wrapping if necessary. If the text exceeds the given number of lines, it will be truncated according to overflow.
newText String
The text to display interpolating to.
oldText String
The text to display interpolating away from.
overflow TextOverflow?
How visual overflow should be handled.
padding EdgeInsets
Internal padding to apply between the row of symbol tapes and the clipping mask.
props List<Object?>
The list of properties that will be used to determine whether two instances are equal.
no setter
reverseStaggerDirection bool
Determines whether the stagger effect should be reversed. Normally, the staggering makes the beginning letters move fast and the ending letters move slow. If this is set to true, the staggering will be reversed, so the beginning letters will move slow and the ending letters will move fast.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectionColor Color?
The color to use when painting the selection.
semanticsLabel String?
An alternative semantics label for this text.
softWrap bool?
Whether the text should break at soft line breaks.
staggerSoftness int
Determines how harsh the stagger effect is. The higher the number, the more the stagger effect is softened, and the interpolation between each tape will more similar to each other.
staggerTapes bool
Determines whether the tapes should be staggered or not. If set to true, the starting tapes will move and end their sliding faster than the ending tapes.
stringify bool?
If set to true, the toString method will be overridden to output this instance's props.
no setterinherited
strutStyle StrutStyle?
The strut style to use. Strut style defines the strut, which sets minimum vertical layout metrics.
style TextStyle?
If non-null, the style to use for this text.
tapeCurve Curve?
Used to determine the curve each roll of symbol tape uses to slide up and down through its characters. If null, the same curve is used as the one provided to the animate function.
tapeSlideDirection TapeSlideDirection
Determines the direction in which each tape of characters will slide.
tapeStrategy SymbolTapeStrategy
Used to determine the string of characters to create and roll through for each character index between the old and new text.
textAlign TextAlign?
How the text should be aligned horizontally.
textDirection TextDirection?
The directionality of the text.
textHeightBehavior TextHeightBehavior?
Defines how to apply TextStyle.height over and under text.
textScaler TextScaler?
The font scaling strategy to use when laying out and rendering the text.
textSpan InlineSpan?
The text to display as a InlineSpan.
textWidthBasis TextWidthBasis?
Defines how to measure the width of the rendered text.
widthCurve Curve?
The widthCurve parameter is used to determine the curve of the width animation of each tape. If null, the same curve is used as the one provided to the animate function.
widthDuration Duration?
The widthDuration parameter is used to determine the duration of the width animation of each tape. If null, the same duration is used as the one provided to the animate function.


apply(BuildContext context, Widget child) Widget
Applies this Effect to given child. This is called by Effect builder widgets to apply the effect to given child.
lerp(covariant RollingTextEffect other, double value) RollingTextEffect
Linearly interpolates between two Effects. This is used to animate between two Effects. The value argument is a fraction that determines the position of this effect between this and other.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.