Hydrated State Notifier Hive

Pub hydrated_state_notifier License: MIT


An implementation of HydratedStorage from hydrated_state_notifier library which automatically persists and restores states built on top of hive.


Setup HydratedStorage


Add package to your project with

dart pub add hydrated_state_notifier hydrated_state_notifier_hive

Import package

Add below lines in your dart file

import 'package:hydrated_state_notifier/hydrated_state_notifier.dart';
import 'package:hydrated_state_notifier_hive/hydrated_state_notifier_hive.dart';


void main() async {

  /// Initialize the common storage by providing [HiveHydratedStorage]. 
  /// You can also provide your own implementation of [HydratedStorage].
  HydratedStorage.storage = await HiveHydratedStorage.build(
    storageDirectory: kIsWeb
        ? ''
        : await getTemporaryDirectory(),


Create a HydratedStateNotifier

Does automatic state persistence for the StateNotifier class.

class CounterController extends HydratedStateNotifier<int> {
  CounterController() : super(0);

  void increment() => state = state + 1;

  int fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => json['value'] as int;

  Map<String, int> toJson(int state) => { 'value': state };

Now the CounterController will automatically persist/restore their state. We can increment the counter value, hot restart, kill the app, etc... and the previous state will be retained.

It uses the same cache for the same type. Use the id parameter if you intend to have different cache for different intance of same type.

class CounterController extends HydratedStateNotifier<int> {
  CounterController(String id) : super(0, id: id);

  void increment() => state = state + 1;

  int fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => json['value'] as int;

  Map<String, int> toJson(int state) => { 'value': state };


Create a HydratedStateController

A subclass of HydratedStateNotifier for simple scenarios.

final counterController = HydratedStateController(
    fromJson: (json) => json['count'] as int,
    toJson: (state) => {'count': state},

Now the counterController will automatically persist/restore their state. We can increment the counter value, hot restart, kill the app, etc... and the previous state will be retained.

It uses the same cache for the same type. Use the id parameter if you intend to have different cache for different intance of same type.

final counterController = HydratedStateController(
    fromJson: (json) => json['count'] as int,
    toJson: (state) => {'count': state},
    id: 'counter_1',
final counterController = HydratedStateController(
    fromJson: (json) => json['count'] as int,
    toJson: (state) => {'count': state},
    id: 'counter_2',


class CounterController extends StateNotifier<int> with HydratedMixin {
  CounterController() : super(0) {
    // Hydrate must be called if using HydratedMixin or implementing any 
    // [HydratedStateNotifier], or [HydratedStateController].

  void increment() => state = state + 1;

  int fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => json['value'] as int;

  Map<String, int> toJson(int state) => { 'value': state };
  String get id => '';
  // Use a common storage or pass another
  HydratedStorage get storage => HydratedStorage.storage;
  // Will be used for writing migrations in a later version
  int get version => 1;


You can implement a custom Storage by simply implementing the HydratedStorage interface and initializing HydratedStateNotifier with the custom Storage.

// my_hydrated_storage.dart

class MyHydratedStorage implements HydratedStorage {
  Object? read(String key) {
    // TODO: implement read

  Future<void> write(String key, Object? value) async {
    // TODO: implement write

  Future<void> delete(String key) async {
    // TODO: implement delete

  Future<void> clear() async {
    // TODO: implement clear

Setting a common storage for all.

// main.dart

HydratedBloc.storage = MyHydratedStorage();

or providing storage through the parameters:

final counterController = HydratedStateController(
    fromJson: (json) => json['count'] as int,
    toJson: (state) => {'count': state},
    storage: MyHydratedStorage(),

// or

class CounterController extends HydratedStateNotifier<int> {
  CounterController(String id) : super(0, id: id, storage: MyHydratedStorage());

  void increment() => state = state + 1;

  int fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => json['value'] as int;

  Map<String, int> toJson(int state) => { 'value': state };

Additional information

This is based on hydrated_bloc, and hydrated_notifier.


An extension to package:state_notifier which automatically persists and restores provider states.