enableAudio method
Enables the local mic and starts producing the stream with the label audio
NOTE: You can only produce to a room when you have joined the room, if you try to produce before joining the room it will fetch the stream and start producing when you join the room
Future<MediaStream?> enableAudio({MediaStream? customAudioStream}) async {
logger.i('enableAudio called');
try {
if (!checkPermission(produceSourcesCheck: ProduceSources.mic)) {
logger.e('❌ Cannot Enable Audio, Permission Denied');
throw Exception('❌ Cannot Enable Audio, Permission Denied');
final existingStream = _activeStreams['audio'];
if (existingStream != null) {
logger.w('🔔 Mic Stream Already Enabled');
return null;
// transport are being created here
if (_sendTransport == null) {
await _createTransportOnServer(transportType: TransportType.send);
MediaStream? stream;
if (customAudioStream != null) {
stream = customAudioStream;
} else {
final ongoingStreamFuture = _pendingFetchingStream['mic'];
if (ongoingStreamFuture != null) {
await ongoingStreamFuture;
} else {
final streamFuture =
deviceHandler.fetchStream(mediaDevice: CustomMediaDevice.mic);
_pendingFetchingStream['mic'] = streamFuture;
final pendingFuture = _pendingFetchingStream['mic'];
if (pendingFuture == null) {
logger.i('🔔 Pending Mic Future Not Found');
return null;
final fetchedStream = await pendingFuture;
if (fetchedStream == null) {
logger.e('❌ Stream Not Found, cannot do enableAudio');
throw Exception('❌ Stream Not Found');
stream = fetchedStream;
if (stream != null) {
_activeStreams['audio'] = stream;
emit('stream-fetched', {
'mediaKind': 'mic',
'stream': stream,
'label': 'audio',
"enableAudio | fetched stream => ${stream?.getAudioTracks().first}",
await produce(
label: 'audio',
stream: stream,
appData: {
'producerPeerId': peerId,
stopTrackOnClose: true,
return stream;
} catch (error) {
logger.e('❌ Error Enabling Audio | error: $error');