LocalPeer class

LocalPeer is the main class which handles all the functionality of the client Where Client Means the currently Running Application.





device Device?
Get the current device for this client
no setter
deviceHandler DeviceHandler
DeviceHandler Instance, Handles the media devices for this client
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
joined bool
Variable to check if the user has joined the room
getter/setter pair
labels List<String>
Return the labels of the Media Stream that the Local Peer is producing to the room
no setter
labelToProducerId Map<String, String>
Map of Identifiers to Producer Ids, which handles the mapping of identifiers to producer ids. identifiers are the unique identifiers for the stream, which is used to identify the stream.
peerId String?
PeerId of the current client, specific to the Local Peer who joined the meeting NOTE: Until you dont join the room, this will be null
getter/setter pair
permissions → dynamic
Get the Permissions of the Local Peer. (e.g canProduce, canConsume, canSendData, canRecvData etc)
no setter
recvTransport Transport?
Returns the recvTransport @returns { Transport } recvTransport @throws { Error } If the recvTransport is not initialized
no setter
role → dynamic
Get the Role of the Local Peer.
no setter
room Room
Returns the room instance
no setter
roomId String?
Returns the roomId of the current joined room.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sendTransport Transport?
Returns the SendTransport @returns { Transport } SendTransport @throws { Error } If the SendTransport is not initialized
no setter
socket Socket
Returns the underlying socket connection
no setter
token String?
Returns the token of the current socket connection, specific to the Local Peer who joined the meeting
no setter


callback(Function func, [dynamic arg0, dynamic arg1, dynamic arg2, dynamic arg3, dynamic arg4, dynamic arg5]) → dynamic
callbackAsFuture(Function func, [dynamic arg0, dynamic arg1, dynamic arg2, dynamic arg3, dynamic arg4, dynamic arg5]) Future
clearListeners() → void
This function unbinds all the handlers for all the events
close() → void
Destroy the current peer, closes all the transports, producers and consumers
closeConsumer(String label, String peerId) → void
consume(Map<String, dynamic> data) Future<void>
Consumes a stream with the producerId and peerId of the RemotePeer, appData is application level custom data which can be added to the consumer for the LocalPeer, this data will be available in the consumer object and can be used only by the LocalPeer.
disableAudio() → void
Stops the underlying producing of a microphone stream, stops the local track and closes the producer NOTE: This will notify all the RemotePeers that this producer has stopped producing and they should stop consuming it.
disableVideo() → void
Stops the underlying producing of a camera stream, stops the local track and closes the producer NOTE: This will notify all the RemotePeers that this producer has stopped producing and they should stop consuming it.
emit(String event, [dynamic arg0, dynamic arg1, dynamic arg2, dynamic arg3, dynamic arg4, dynamic arg5]) → void
This function triggers all the handlers currently listening to event and passes them data.
emitAsFuture(String event, [dynamic arg0, dynamic arg1, dynamic arg2, dynamic arg3, dynamic arg4, dynamic arg5]) Future
This function triggers all the handlers currently listening to event and passes them data.
enableAudio({MediaStream? customAudioStream}) Future<MediaStream?>
Enables the local mic and starts producing the stream with the label audio NOTE: You can only produce to a room when you have joined the room, if you try to produce before joining the room it will fetch the stream and start producing when you join the room
enableVideo({MediaStream? customVideoStream}) Future<MediaStream?>
Enables the local cam and starts producing the stream with the label video
getConsumer({required String label, required String peerId}) Consumer?
Get the consumer by label and peerId @returns Consumer | null; Returns null if consumer is not found
getMetadata<T>() → T
Returns the metadata associated to the LocalPeer
getProducerWithLabel(String label) Producer?
Returns the producer with the given label @param label - Identifier of the producer @returns { Producer } Producer @returns { null } If the producer is not found
getStream({required String label}) MediaStream?
getStream returns the stream with the given label
listeners(dynamic event) List
Return function list named event.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
off(String event) → void
This function attempts to unbind all the handler from the event
on(String event, Function handler) → void
This function binds the handler as a listener to the event
once(String event, Function handler) → void
This function binds the handler as a listener to the first occurrence of the event. When handler is called once, it is removed.
produce({required String label, required MediaStream? stream, bool? stopTrackOnClose = false, Map<String, dynamic>? appData}) Future<void>
Produce a stream with a given label and appData to all the Remote Peers
produceData() → void
remove(String event, Function handler) → void
This function attempts to unbind the handler from the event
removeAllListeners([dynamic eventName]) → void
safeEmit(String event, [Map<String, dynamic>? args]) → void
safeEmitAsFuture(String event, [Map<String, dynamic>? args]) Future
sendData(String sendDataTo, String payload, String label) → void
stopConsuming(String peerId, String label) → void
Stops the underlying consuming of a stream for a particular label NOTE: This does not notify the remote peers that you are not consuming a stream
stopProducing({required String label}) → void
Stops the underlying producing of a stream for a particular label NOTE: This will notify all the RemotePeers that this producer has stopped producing and they should stop consuming it.`
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transportExists(TransportType transportType) Transport?
Can be used to check which direction of webRTC connection is currently active for the peer. @param transportType
updateMetadata<T>(T data) → void
Send Message to update the metadata of the Local Peer NOTE: This will notify every user in the room about the metadata update
updateRole(Map<String, dynamic> data) → void
Update the role of the Remote Peer in the Room, this will emit an event updated with the updated role.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.