HttpStatusCode class abstract





hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
message String
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
statusCode int
no setter


copyWith({String? message}) HttpStatusCode
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


k100Continue → const int
k101SwitchingProtocols → const int
k102Processing → const int
k200OK → const int
k201Created → const int
k202Accepted → const int
k203NonAuthoritative → const int
k204NoContent → const int
k205ResetContent → const int
k206PartialContent → const int
k207MultiStatus → const int
k208AlreadyReported → const int
k226IMUsed → const int
k300MultipleChoices → const int
k301MovedPermanently → const int
k302Found → const int
k303SeeOther → const int
k304NotModified → const int
k305UseProxy → const int
k306SwitchProxy → const int
k307TemporaryRedirect → const int
k308PermanentRedirect → const int
k400BadRequest → const int
k401Unauthorized → const int
k402PaymentRequired → const int
k403Forbidden → const int
k404NotFound → const int
k405MethodNotAllowed → const int
k406NotAcceptable → const int
k407ProxyAuthenticationRequired → const int
k408RequestTimeout → const int
k409Conflict → const int
k410Gone → const int
k411LengthRequired → const int
k412PreconditionFailed → const int
k413PayloadTooLarge → const int
k413RequestEntityTooLarge → const int
k414RequestUriTooLong → const int
k414UriTooLong → const int
k415UnsupportedMediaType → const int
k416RangeNotSatisfiable → const int
k416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable → const int
k417ExpectationFailed → const int
k418ImATeapot → const int
k419AuthenticationTimeout → const int
k421MisdirectedRequest → const int
k422UnProcessableEntity → const int
k423Locked → const int
k424FailedDependency → const int
k426UpgradeRequired → const int
k428PreconditionRequired → const int
k429TooManyRequests → const int
k431RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge → const int
k451UnavailableForLegalReasons → const int
k500InternalServerError → const int
k501NotImplemented → const int
k502BadGateway → const int
k503ServiceUnavailable → const int
k504GatewayTimeout → const int
k505HttpVersionNotSupported → const int
k506VariantAlsoNegotiates → const int
k507InsufficientStorage → const int
k508LoopDetected → const int
k510NotExtended → const int
k511NetworkAuthenticationRequired → const int