HttpStatusCode class abstract

HTTP Status Codes.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


accepted → const int
accepted = 202.
alreadyReported → const int
alreadyReported = 208.
badGateway → const int
badGateway = 502.
badRequest → const int
badRequest = 400.
clientClosedRequest → const int
clientClosedRequest = 499.
conflict → const int
conflict = 409.
connectionClosedWithoutResponse → const int
connectionClosedWithoutResponse = 444.
continue_ → const int
continue_ = 100.
created → const int
created = 201.
earlyHints → const int
earlyHints = 103.
expectationFailed → const int
expectationFailed = 417.
failedDependency → const int
failedDependency = 424.
forbidden → const int
forbidden = 403.
found → const int
found = 302.
gatewayTimeout → const int
gatewayTimeout = 504.
gone → const int
gone = 410.
httpVersionNotSupported → const int
httpVersionNotSupported = 505.
imATeapot → const int
imATeapot = 418.
imUsed → const int
imUsed = 226.
insufficientSpaceOnResource → const int
insufficientSpaceOnResource = 419.
insufficientStorage → const int
insufficientStorage = 507.
internalServerError → const int
internalServerError = 500.
lengthRequired → const int
lengthRequired = 411.
locked → const int
locked = 423.
loopDetected → const int
loopDetected = 508.
methodFailure → const int
methodFailure = 420.
methodNotAllowed → const int
methodNotAllowed = 405.
misdirectedRequest → const int
misdirectedRequest = 421.
movedPermanently → const int
movedPermanently = 301.
movedTemporarily → const int
movedTemporarily = 302.
multipleChoices → const int
multipleChoices = 300.
multiStatus → const int
multiStatus = 207.
networkAuthenticationRequired → const int
networkAuthenticationRequired = 511.
networkConnectTimeoutError → const int
networkConnectTimeoutError = 599.
noContent → const int
noContent = 204.
nonAuthoritativeInformation → const int
nonAuthoritativeInformation = 203.
notAcceptable → const int
notAcceptable = 406.
notExtended → const int
notExtended = 510.
notFound → const int
notFound = 404.
notImplemented → const int
notImplemented = 501.
notModified → const int
notModified = 304.
ok → const int
ok = 200.
partialContent → const int
partialContent = 206.
paymentRequired → const int
paymentRequired = 402.
permanentRedirect → const int
permanentRedirect = 308.
preconditionFailed → const int
preconditionFailed = 412.
preconditionRequired → const int
preconditionRequired = 428.
processing → const int
processing = 102.
proxyAuthenticationRequired → const int
proxyAuthenticationRequired = 407.
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable → const int
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416.
requestEntityTooLarge → const int
requestEntityTooLarge = 413.
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge → const int
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431.
requestTimeout → const int
requestTimeout = 408.
requestUriTooLong → const int
requestUriTooLong = 414.
resetContent → const int
resetContent = 205.
seeOther → const int
seeOther = 303.
serviceUnavailable → const int
serviceUnavailable = 503.
switchingProtocols → const int
switchingProtocols = 101.
temporaryRedirect → const int
temporaryRedirect = 307.
tooManyRequests → const int
tooManyRequests = 429.
unauthorized → const int
unauthorized = 401.
unavailableForLegalReasons → const int
unavailableForLegalReasons = 451.
unprocessableEntity → const int
unprocessableEntity = 422.
unsupportedMediaType → const int
unsupportedMediaType = 415.
upgradeRequired → const int
upgradeRequired = 426.
useProxy → const int
useProxy = 305.
variantAlsoNegotiates → const int
variantAlsoNegotiates = 506.