http_exception library
A comprehensive and customizable system for handling HTTP exception in Dart applications.
- HttpStatusExtension on HttpStatus
Extension on
to easily convert HTTP status codes into corresponding HttpException instances, allowing for more descriptive and granular error handling. - IntHttpStatusExtension on int
- An extension on the int type to facilitate the creation of HttpException instances based on HTTP status codes.
Exceptions / Errors
- BadGatewayHttpException
- 502 Bad Gateway (Http Exception).
- BadRequestHttpException
- 400 Bad Request (Http Exception).
- ClientClosedRequestHttpException
- 499 Client Closed Request (Http Exception).
- ConflictHttpException
- 409 Conflict (Http Exception).
- ConnectionClosedWithoutResponseHttpException
- 444 Connection Closed Without Response (Http Exception).
- ExpectationFailedHttpException
- 417 Expectation Failed (Http Exception).
- FailedDependencyHttpException
- 424 Failed Dependency (Http Exception).
- ForbiddenHttpException
- 403 Forbidden (Http Exception).
- GatewayTimeoutHttpException
- 504 Gateway Timeout (Http Exception).
- GoneHttpException
- 410 Gone (Http Exception).
- HttpException
- A base class for specific HTTP exception classes. An optional Map named data can be provided to add additional information as the response body.
- HttpVersionNotSupportedHttpException
- 505 Http Version Not Supported (Http Exception).
- ImATeapotHttpException
- 418 I'm A Teapot (Http Exception).
- InsufficientSpaceOnResourceHttpException
- 419 Insufficient Space On Resource (Http Exception).
- InsufficientStorageHttpException
- 507 Insufficient Storage (Http Exception).
- InternalServerErrorHttpException
- 500 Internal Server Error (Http Exception).
- LengthRequiredHttpException
- 411 Length Required (Http Exception).
- LockedHttpException
- 423 Locked (Http Exception).
- LoopDetectedHttpException
- 508 Loop Detected (Http Exception).
- MethodFailureHttpException
- 420 Method Failure (Http Exception).
- MethodNotAllowedHttpException
- 405 Method Not Allowed (Http Exception).
- MisdirectedRequestHttpException
- 421 Misdirected Request (Http Exception).
- NetworkAuthenticationRequiredHttpException
- 511 Network Authentication Required (Http Exception).
- NetworkConnectTimeoutErrorHttpException
- 59 Network Authentication Required (Http Exception).
- NotAcceptableHttpException
- 406 Not Acceptable (Http Exception).
- NotExtendedHttpException
- 511 Not Extended (Http Exception).
- NotFoundHttpException
- 404 Not Found (Http Exception).
- NotImplementedHttpException
- 501 Not Implemented (Http Exception).
- PaymentRequiredHttpException
- 402 Payment Required (Http Exception).
- PreconditionFailedHttpException
- 412 Precondition Failed (Http Exception).
- PreconditionRequiredHttpException
- 428 Precondition Required (Http Exception).
- ProxyAuthenticationRequiredHttpException
- 407 Proxy Authentication Required (Http Exception).
- RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableHttpException
- 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable (Http Exception).
- RequestEntityTooLargeHttpException
- 413 Request Entity Too Large (Http Exception).
- RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeHttpException
- 431 Request Header Fields Too Large (Http Exception).
- RequestTimeoutHttpException
- 408 Request Timeout (Http Exception).
- RequestUriTooLongHttpException
- 414 Request Uri Too Long (Http Exception).
- 503 Service Unavailable (Http Exception).
- TooManyRequestsHttpException
- 429 Too Many Requests (Http Exception).
- 401 Unauthorized (Http Exception).
- 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons (Http Exception).
- UnprocessableEntityHttpException
- 422 Unprocessable Entity (Http Exception).
- UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException
- 415 Unsupported Media Type (Http Exception).
- UpgradeRequiredHttpException
- 426 Upgrade Required (Http Exception).
- VariantAlsoNegotiatesHttpException
- 506 Variant Also Negotiates (Http Exception).