Dart Web Components
How to create web components with Dart that compile to WASM and JS.
You can use them in any framework or library that supports HTML.
Disclaimer: This is not an official Google project.
Getting Started
1. Extend the WebComponent class
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent {
2. Define the component
Use the connectedCallback to define the component setup logic instead of the constructor.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent {
void connectedCallback() {
element.innerText = "Hello World!";
3. Register the component
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
void main() {
WebComponent.define('my-component', MyComponent.new);
There are some helper mixins to make it easier to work with web components.
This mixin adds an array of callbacks that will be disposed when the component is disconnected.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
import 'package:html_web_components/helpers.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent with WebComponentCleanupMixin {
void connectedCallback() {
this.cleanup.add(() => print('cleaned up!'));
This mixin adds a shadow root to the component.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
import 'package:html_web_components/helpers.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent with WebComponentShadowDomMixin {
void connectedCallback() {
getRoot<ShadowRoot>().innerHtml = '<h1>Hello World</h1>';
This mixin adds adopted styles to the component. This only works with the shadow dom.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
import 'package:html_web_components/helpers.dart';
import 'package:signals_core/signals_core.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent with WebComponentShadowDomMixin, WebComponentAdoptedStylesMixin {
final sheets = computed<List<CSSStyleSheet>>(() {
final sheet = CSSStyleSheet();
sheet.replaceSync('h1 { color: red; }');
return [sheet];
void connectedCallback() {
getRoot<ShadowRoot>().innerHtml = '<h1>Hello World</h1>';
This mixin adds reactive attributes to the component.
import 'package:html_web_components/html_web_components.dart';
import 'package:html_web_components/helpers.dart';
import 'package:signals_core/signals_core.dart';
class MyComponent extends WebComponent with WebComponentReactiveAttributesMixin {
List<String> observedAttributes = ['name'];
final src = attr('name');
void connectedCallback() {
element.innerHtml = '<h1>Hello $src</h1>';