htmlSerializeEscape function

String htmlSerializeEscape(
  1. String text, {
  2. bool attributeMode = false,

Escapes text for use in the HTML fragment serialization algorithm. In particular, as described in the specification:

  • Replace any occurrence of the & character by the string &.
  • Replace any occurrences of the U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE character by the string  .
  • If the algorithm was invoked in attributeMode, replace any occurrences of the " character by the string ".
  • If the algorithm was not invoked in attributeMode, replace any occurrences of the < character by the string &lt;, and any occurrences of the > character by the string &gt;.


String htmlSerializeEscape(String text, {bool attributeMode = false}) {
  // TODO(jmesserly): is it faster to build up a list of codepoints?
  // StringBuffer seems cleaner assuming Dart can unbox 1-char strings.
  StringBuffer? result;
  for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    final ch = text[i];
    String? replace;
    switch (ch) {
      case '&':
        replace = '&amp;';
      case '\u00A0' /*NO-BREAK SPACE*/ :
        replace = '&nbsp;';
      case '"':
        if (attributeMode) replace = '&quot;';
      case '<':
        if (!attributeMode) replace = '&lt;';
      case '>':
        if (!attributeMode) replace = '&gt;';
    if (replace != null) {
      result ??= StringBuffer(text.substring(0, i));
    } else if (result != null) {

  return result != null ? result.toString() : text;