Element.html constructor
- String html
factory Element.html(String html) {
// TODO(jacobr): this method can be made more robust and performant.
// 1) Cache the dummy parent elements required to use innerHTML rather than
// creating them every call.
// 2) Verify that the html does not contain leading or trailing text nodes.
// 3) Verify that the html does not contain both <head> and <body> tags.
// 4) Detach the created element from its dummy parent.
var parentTag = 'div';
String? tag;
final match = _startTagRegexp.firstMatch(html);
if (match != null) {
tag = match.group(1)!.toLowerCase();
if (_customParentTagMap.containsKey(tag)) {
parentTag = _customParentTagMap[tag]!;
final fragment = parseFragment(html, container: parentTag);
Element element;
if (fragment.children.length == 1) {
element = fragment.children[0];
} else if (parentTag == 'html' && fragment.children.length == 2) {
// You'll always get a head and a body when starting from html.
element = fragment.children[tag == 'head' ? 0 : 1];
} else {
throw ArgumentError('HTML had ${fragment.children.length} '
'top level elements but 1 expected');
return element;