upgrade/hc_upgrade_new_version library
- HcAppCastConfiguration
- A class to define the configuration for the appcast. The configuration contains two parts: a URL to the appcast, and a list of supported OS names, such as "android", "fuchsia", "ios", "linux" "macos", "web", "windows".
- HcUpgradeNewVersion
- A class to configure the upgrade dialog.
- BoolCallback = bool Function()
- Signature of callbacks that have no arguments and return bool.
- HcUpgradeEvaluateNeed = bool
- The type of data in the stream.
- VoidBoolCallback = void Function(bool value)
- Signature of callbacks that have a bool argument and no return.
- WillDisplayUpgradeCallback = void Function({String? appStoreVersion, required bool display, String? installedVersion, String? minAppVersion})
- Signature of callback for willDisplayUpgrade. Includes display, minAppVersion, installedVersion, and appStoreVersion.