PlayStoreResults extension



description(Document response) String?
Return field description from Play Store results.
minAppVersion(Document response, {String tagRegExpSource = r'\[\Minimum supported app version\:[\s]*(?<version>[^\s]+)[\s]*\]'}) → Version?
Return the minimum app version taken from a tag in the description field from the store response. The tagRegExpSource is used to represent the format of a tag using a regular expression. The format in the description by default is like this: [Minimum supported app version: 1.2.3], which returns the version 1.2.3. If there is no match, it returns null.
multilineReleaseNotes(Element rawReleaseNotes) String?
redesignedDescription(Document response) String?
Return field description from Redesigned Play Store results.
redesignedReleaseNotes(Document response) String?
Returns field releaseNotes from Redesigned Play Store results. When there are no release notes, the main app description is used.
redesignedVersion(Document response) String?
Return field version from Redesigned Play Store results.
releaseNotes(Document response) String?
Returns field releaseNotes from Play Store results. When there are no release notes, the main app description is used.
version(Document response) String?
Return field version from Play Store results.

Static Properties

releaseNotesSpan RegExp
getter/setter pair