hookified_infinite_scroll_pagination library


Supplies builders for the visual components of paged views.
PagedGridView<PageKeyType, ItemType>
Paged GridView with progress and error indicators displayed as the last item.
PagedListView<PageKeyType, ItemType>
Paged ListView with progress and error indicators displayed as the last item.
PagedSliverBuilder<PageKeyType, ItemType>
Assists the creation of infinitely scrolled paged sliver widgets.
PagedSliverGrid<PageKeyType, ItemType>
Paged SliverGrid with progress and error indicators displayed as the last item.
PagedSliverList<PageKeyType, ItemType>
Paged SliverList with progress and error indicators displayed as the last item.
PagingController<PageKeyType, ItemType>
A controller for a paged widget.
PagingState<PageKeyType, ItemType>
The current item's list, error, and next page key state for a paginated widget.


All possible status for a pagination.


usePagingController<PageKeyType, ItemType>({required PageKeyType firstPageKey, int? invisibleItemsThreshold, List<Object?>? keys, FutureOr<void> onPageRequest(PageKeyType pageKey, PagingController<PageKeyType, ItemType> pagingController)?}) PagingController<PageKeyType, ItemType>


CompletedListingBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IndexedWidgetBuilder itemWidgetBuilder, int itemCount, WidgetBuilder? noMoreItemsIndicatorBuilder)
ErrorListingBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IndexedWidgetBuilder itemWidgetBuilder, int itemCount, WidgetBuilder newPageErrorIndicatorBuilder)
ItemWidgetBuilder<ItemType> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ItemType item, int index)
LoadingListingBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IndexedWidgetBuilder itemWidgetBuilder, int itemCount, WidgetBuilder newPageProgressIndicatorBuilder)
PageRequestListener<PageKeyType> = void Function(PageKeyType pageKey)
PagingStatusListener = void Function(PagingStatus status)