useBlocFactory<T extends BlocBase, F extends BlocFactory<T>> function

T useBlocFactory<T extends BlocBase, F extends BlocFactory<T>>({
  1. OnBlocCreated<F>? onBlocCreate,
  2. List keys = const <dynamic>[],
  3. bool closeOnDispose = true,

Creates BlocBase

useBlocFactory will find BlocFactory class using injector provided by BlocHookInjectionController and then return BlocBase created by it. If BlocHookInjectionController has no provided injectors, useBlocFactory will look into widget tree and try find BlocFactory using Provider.of method

By using onCubitCreate callback you can configure factory before creating desired BlocBase

useBlocFactory will call automatically BlocBase.close method. If needed, this behaviour can be changed by setting closeOnDispose flag to false


T useBlocFactory<T extends BlocBase, F extends BlocFactory<T>>({
  OnBlocCreated<F>? onBlocCreate,
  List<dynamic> keys = const <dynamic>[],
  bool closeOnDispose = true,
}) {
  final context = useContext();
  final configuredInjector = useHookedBlocConfig().injector;
  final injector =
      configuredInjector?.call() ?? BlocDefaults.defaultBlocInjector(context);

  final blocFactory = useMemoized(() => injector<F>(), keys);
  final bloc = useMemoized(
    () {
      return blocFactory.create();
    [blocFactory, ...keys],

  useEffect(() {
    return closeOnDispose ? bloc.close : null;
  }, [bloc]);

  return bloc;