HiveInterface class abstract

The main API interface of Hive. Available through the Hive constant.

Implemented types
Available extensions




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


box<E>(String name) Box<E>
Returns a previously opened box.
boxExists(String name, {String? path}) Future<bool>
Checks if a box exists
close() Future<void>
Closes all open boxes.
deleteBoxFromDisk(String name, {String? path}) Future<void>
Removes the file which contains the box and closes the box.
deleteFromDisk() Future<void>
Deletes all currently open boxes from disk.
generateSecureKey() List<int>
Generates a secure encryption key using the fortuna random algorithm.
ignoreTypeId<T>(int typeId) → void
Ignore type
init(String? path, {HiveStorageBackendPreference backendPreference = HiveStorageBackendPreference.native}) → void
Initialize Hive by giving it a home directory.
isAdapterRegistered(int typeId) bool
Returns true if a TypeAdapter is registered
isBoxOpen(String name) bool
Checks if a specific box is currently open.
lazyBox<E>(String name) LazyBox<E>
Returns a previously opened lazy box.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openBox<E>(String name, {HiveCipher? encryptionCipher, KeyComparator keyComparator = defaultKeyComparator, CompactionStrategy compactionStrategy = defaultCompactionStrategy, bool crashRecovery = true, String? path, Uint8List? bytes, String? collection, List<int>? encryptionKey}) Future<Box<E>>
Opens a box.
openLazyBox<E>(String name, {HiveCipher? encryptionCipher, KeyComparator keyComparator = defaultKeyComparator, CompactionStrategy compactionStrategy = defaultCompactionStrategy, bool crashRecovery = true, String? path, String? collection, List<int>? encryptionKey}) Future<LazyBox<E>>
Opens a lazy box.
registerAdapter<T>(TypeAdapter<T> adapter, {bool internal = false, bool override = false}) → void
Register a TypeAdapter to announce it to Hive.
resetAdapters() → void
Clears all registered adapters.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.