parser library
T> - An object that can be used to visit an AST structure.
- AssertStmt
- AssignExpr
- ASTAnnotation
- Comments or empty lines. Which has no meaning when interpreting, but they have meanings in formatting, so we keeps them as a special ASTNode.
- ASTComment
- ASTCompilation
- A bundle of all imported sources
- ASTEmpty
- ASTEmptyLine
- ASTLiteralBoolean
- ASTLiteralFloat
- ASTLiteralInteger
- ASTLiteralNull
- ASTLiteralString
- ASTNode
- An abstract node of an abstract syntax tree.
- ASTSource
- Parse result of a single file
- ASTStringInterpolation
- BinaryExpr
- BlockStmt
- BreakStmt
- CallExpr
- ClassDecl
- CommaExpr
- ContinueStmt
- DeleteMemberStmt
- DeleteStmt
- DeleteSubStmt
- DestructuringDecl
- DoStmt
- EnumDecl
- ExprStmt
- FieldTypeExpr
- ForRangeStmt
- ForStmt
- FuncDecl
- FuncTypeExpr
- GenericTypeParameterExpr
- GroupExpr
- HTDefaultLexicon
- Default lexicon implementation used by Hetu.
- HTDefaultParser
- Default parser implementation used by Hetu.
- HTLexer
- HTLexicon
- Lexicon used by Hetu,
- HTParser
- A general parser, with abstract method to parse a token list or string content.
- IdentifierExpr
- IfStmt
- ImportExportDecl
- InOfExpr
- IntrinsicTypeExpr
- ListExpr
- MemberExpr
- NamespaceDecl
- NominalTypeExpr
- ParamDecl
- ParamTypeExpr
- ParserConfig
T> -
An AST visitor that will recursively visit all of the sub nodes in an AST
structure. For example, using an instance of this class to visit a
will also cause all of the statements in the node to be visited. - RedirectingConstructorCallExpr
- ReturnStmt
- SpreadExpr
- Statement
- StructDecl
- StructObjExpr
- StructObjField
- StructuralTypeExpr
- SubExpr
- TernaryExpr
- ThrowStmt
- Token
- TokenBooleanLiteral
- TokenComment
- TokenEmptyLine
- TokenFloatLiteral
- TokenIdentifier
- TokenIntLiteral
- TokenReader
- Abstract interface for handling a token list.
- TokenStringInterpolation
- TokenStringLiteral
- TypeAliasDecl
- TypeExpr
- UnaryPostfixExpr
- e++, e--
- UnaryPrefixExpr
- -e, !e,++e, --e
- VarDecl
- WhenStmt
- WhileStmt
- ParseStyle
- Determines how to parse a piece of code