memberGet method

  1. @override
dynamic memberGet(
  1. String varName, {
  2. bool isPrivate = false,
  3. String? from,
  4. bool isRecursive = true,
  5. bool throws = true,

HTInstanceNamespace overrided HTNamespace's memberGet, with a new named parameter isRecursive. If isRecursive is false, then it won't continue to try fetching variable from enclosed namespace.


dynamic memberGet(String varName,
    {bool isPrivate = false,
    String? from,
    bool isRecursive = true,
    bool throws = true}) {
  final getter = '${InternalIdentifier.getter}$varName';

  if (isRecursive) {
    HTInstanceNamespace? curNamespace = runtimeInstanceNamespace;
    while (curNamespace != null) {
      if (curNamespace.symbols.containsKey(varName) ||
          curNamespace.symbols.containsKey(getter)) {
        final value = instance.memberGet(varName,
            from: from, cast: curNamespace.classId);
        if (value is HTFunction &&
            value.category != FunctionCategory.literal) {
          value.instance = instance;
          value.namespace = this;
        return value;
      } else {
        curNamespace =;
  } else {
    if (symbols.containsKey(varName)) {
      final value = instance.memberGet(varName, from: from, cast: classId);
      if (value is HTFunction && value.category != FunctionCategory.literal) {
        value.instance = instance;
        value.namespace = this;
      return value;

  if (isRecursive && closure != null) {
    return closure!.memberGet(varName, from: from, isRecursive: isRecursive);

  if (throws) {
    throw HTError.undefined(varName);