HTError class
HTError(ErrorCode code, ErrorType type, {String? message, List interpolations = const [], String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
HTError can not be created by default constructor.
HTError.abstracted({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Cannot create instance from abstract class.
HTError.argInit({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Only optional or named arguments can have initializer.
HTError.argType(String id, String assignType, String declValue, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Arguments type check failed.
HTError.arity(String id, int argsCount, int paramsCount, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Function arity check failed.
HTError.assertionFailed(String message, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
HTError.assignType(String id, String valueType, String declValue, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Type check failed.
HTError.binding({String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Bind a non literal function is not allowed.
HTError.bytecode({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Unrecognizable bytecode.
HTError.bytesSig({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Bytecode signature check failed.
HTError.castee(String varName, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Illegal castee.
HTError.circleInit(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Variable's initialization relies on itself.
HTError.condition({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: if/while condition expression must be boolean type.
HTError.constInClass({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Const value in class must be also static.
HTError.constMustInit(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Const variable must be initialized.
HTError.defined(String id, ErrorType type, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: A same name declaration is already existed.
HTError.delete({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Can only delete a identifier.
HTError.exportNonHetuSource({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
HTError.extendsSelf({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Symbol is not a class name.
HTError.extern(String message, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: dart error
HTError.external(String semanticName, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: external type is not allowed.
HTError.externalCtorWithReferCtor({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
HTError.externalVar({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Can not declare a external variable in global namespace.
HTError.immutable(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Try to assign a immutable variable.
HTError.importListOnNonHetuSource({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
HTError.invalidLeftValue({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Illegal value appeared on left of assignment.
HTError.iterable(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Object is not iterable.
HTError.misplacedBreak({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Break appeared outside of a loop.
HTError.misplacedContinue({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Continue appeared outside of a function.
HTError.misplacedReturn({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Return appeared outside of a function.
HTError.missingFuncBody(String id, {String? extra, String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Not a super class of this instance.
Error: Try to call a function without definition.
HTError.namedArg(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Named arguments does not exist.
HTError.nestedClass({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: external constructor on a normal class.
Error: Nested class within another nested class.
HTError.notAbsoluteError(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Module import error
HTError.notCallable(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Object is not callable.
HTError.notClass(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Symbol is not a class name.
HTError.notInitialized(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Try to use a variable before its initialization.
HTError.notMember(String id, String className, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Symbol is not a class member.
HTError.notNewable(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Can not use new on this.
HTError.notStruct({String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Bind a non literal function is not allowed.
HTError.notSuper(String classId, String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Not a super class of this instance.
HTError.notType(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Symbol is not a type.
HTError.nullableAssign({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Cannot ssign to a nullable value.
HTError.nullObject(String symbol, String method, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Calling method on null object.
HTError.nullSubSetKey({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
HTError.outOfRange(int index, int range, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Calling method on null object.
HTError.outsideThis({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: This appeared outside of a function.
HTError.privateMember(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Access private member.
HTError.resourceDoesNotExist(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Resource does not exit.
HTError.returnType(String returnedType, String funcName, String declReturnType, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Return value type check failed.
HTError.scriptThrows(Object message, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
HTError.setterArity({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Illegal setter declaration.
HTError.sourceProviderError(String id, String from, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Module import error
HTError.stringInterpolation({String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: String interpolation has to be a single expression.
HTError.structMemberId(String met, {String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Struct member id should be symbol or string.
HTError.subGetKey(dynamic key, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Subget key is not int
HTError.typeCast(String from, String to, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Illegal type cast.
HTError.undefined(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Try to use a undefined variable.
HTError.undefinedExternal(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Try to use a external variable without its binding.
HTError.undefinedMember(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Undefined member of a class/enum.
HTError.undefinedOperator(String id, String op, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Unknown operator.
HTError.unexpected(String whileParsing, String expected, String met, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Expected a token while met another.
HTError.unexpectedEmptyList(String listName, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Type arguments is emtpy brackets.
HTError.unexpectedToken(String expected, String met, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Expected a token while met another.
HTError.uninitialized(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Undefined member of a class/enum.
HTError.unknownExternalTypeName(String id, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Try to operate unkown type object.
HTError.unknownOpCode(int opcode, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Access private member.
HTError.unkownSourceType(String ext, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
HTError.unkownValueType(int valType, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Unknown value type code
HTError.unresolvedNamedStruct(String id, {String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Unevalable source type.
HTError.unsupported(String name, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: unsupported runtime operation
HTError.version(String codeVer, String itpVer, {String? correction, String? filename, int? line, int? column, int? offset, int? length})
Error: Incompatible bytecode version.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
→ String
A string representation of this object.