receiveResultStream method

Stream<List<BarcodeResult>> receiveResultStream()

Obtain the barcode results from the callback.

You can use this method to listen all the barcode results of the camera's capture.

You can use receiveResultStream like this:

late final DynamsoftBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
await DynamsoftBarcodeReader.initLicense(license: '**********');
_barcodeReader = await DynamsoftBarcodeReader.createInstance();
_barcodeReader.receiveResultStream().listen((List<BarcodeResult> res) {});


  /// You can use this method to listen all the barcode results of the camera's capture.
  /// You can use [receiveResultStream] like this:
  /// ```
  /// late final DynamsoftBarcodeReader _barcodeReader;
  /// await DynamsoftBarcodeReader.initLicense(license: '**********');
  /// _barcodeReader = await DynamsoftBarcodeReader.createInstance();
  /// _barcodeReader.startScanning();
  /// _barcodeReader.receiveResultStream().listen((List<BarcodeResult> res) {});
  /// ```
  Stream<List<BarcodeResult>> receiveResultStream() {
 return _barcodeReaderCaller.receiveResultStream();