ListMerging<T> extension



addAllIfNotContains(List<T> items) → void
addAllIfNotContainsWhere(bool validator(T e, T item), List<T> items) → void
addIfNotContains(T element) → void
Do that:
addIfNotContainsWhere(ReplaceValidator<T> validator, T element) → void
conditionalMap<E>(E? f(T e)) List<E>
conditionalMapIndexed<E>(E? f(int index, T e)) List<E>
foldIndexed<E>(E initialValue, E combine(int index, E previousValue, T element)) → E
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining each element of the collection with an existing value
foldTotal(double? builder(T e), {double initial = 0}) double
fuse<E>(E element(int index, T e), [E? separator]) List<E>
Do that:
insertAll(int index, List<T> items) → void
mapIndexed<E>(E f(int index, T e)) List<E>
removeAll(List<Object?> values) → void
removeDuplicates() List<T>
removeDuplicatesWhere<E>(E test(T e)) List<T>
removeFirstWhere(ReplaceValidator<T> f) int?
removeMapDuplicates<E>(E f(T e)) List<E>
repeat(int times) List<T>
replaceAt(int index, T value) → T
replaceWhere(ReplaceValidator<T> validator, ReplaceValue<T> newValue) bool
separete(T separator) List<T>
Do that:
textSearch(String query, Iterable<String> test(T e)) List<T>