heart library

Extension methods, with extra functions at the bottom


HeartInt on int
Extension methods for integers
HeartIterable on Iterable
Compare dynamic iterables with deepEquals
HeartIterableE on Iterable<E>
Extension methods that maintain types.
HeartIterableInt on Iterable<int>
Extension methods for collection of integers
HeartIterableIterable on Iterable<Iterable<E>>
Extension methods that maintain types for nested iterables.
HeartIterableNum on Iterable<num>
Extension methods for collection of doubles
HeartIterableString on Iterable<String>
Extension methods for collection of Strings
HeartString on String
Extension methods for Strings


bigEquals(dynamic a, dynamic b) bool
Checks for equality for nested iterables, Strings, and numbers.
deepEquals(dynamic a, dynamic b) bool
Checks for equality of multiple data types, including nested iterables.
nums(int a, [int? b, int? step]) List<int>
Generates a List of integers
zip<T>(Iterable<Iterable<T>> it) List<List<T>>
Takes in iterables, returns a list of lists where corresponding elements are paired together.
zip2<T>(Iterable<Iterable<T>> it, dynamic zipFunction(T a, T b)) List
Takes in an iterable of 2 iterables and performs a function between corresponding elements.
zip3<T>(Iterable<Iterable<T>> it, dynamic zipFunction(T a, T b, T c)) List
Takes in an iterable with 3 iterables and performs a function between corresponding elements.
zip4<T>(Iterable<Iterable<T>> it, dynamic zipFunction(T a, T b, T c, T d)) List
Takes in an iterable with 4 iterables and performs a function between corresponding elements.