disconnect method

Future<bool?> disconnect(
  1. List<HealthDataType> types, {
  2. List<HealthDataAccess>? permissions,

Disconnect from Google fit.

Not supported on iOS and Google Health Connect, and the method does nothing.


Future<bool?> disconnect(
  List<HealthDataType> types, {
  List<HealthDataAccess>? permissions,
}) async {
  if (permissions != null && permissions.length != types.length) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        'The length of [types] must be same as that of [permissions].');

  final mTypes = List<HealthDataType>.from(types, growable: true);
  final mPermissions = permissions == null
      ? List<int>.filled(types.length, HealthDataAccess.READ.index,
          growable: true)
      : permissions.map((permission) => permission.index).toList();

  // on Android, if BMI is requested, then also ask for weight and height
  if (Platform.isAndroid) _handleBMI(mTypes, mPermissions);

  List<String> keys = mTypes.map((dataType) => dataType.name).toList();

  return await _channel.invokeMethod(
      'disconnect', {'types': keys, "permissions": mPermissions});