EditInlineMessageLiveLocation class final

EditInlineMessageLiveLocation (editInlineMessageLiveLocation) - TDLib function

Edits the content of a live location in an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.

  • inlineMessageId: Inline message identifier.
  • replyMarkup: The new message reply markup; pass null if none (optional).
  • location: New location content of the message; pass null to stop sharing the live location (optional).
  • livePeriod: New time relative to the message send date, for which the location can be updated, in seconds. If 0x7FFFFFFF specified, then the location can be updated forever.. Otherwise, must not exceed the current live_period by more than a day, and the live location expiration date must remain in the next 90 days. Pass 0 to keep the current live_period.
  • heading: The new direction in which the location moves, in degrees; 1-360. Pass 0 if unknown.
  • proximityAlertRadius: The new maximum distance for proximity alerts, in meters (0-100000). Pass 0 if the notification is disabled.

Ok is returned on completion.



EditInlineMessageLiveLocation({required String inlineMessageId, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, Location? location, required int livePeriod, required int heading, required int proximityAlertRadius})
EditInlineMessageLiveLocation (editInlineMessageLiveLocation) - TDLib function


currentObjectId String
TDLib object type for current class instance
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
heading int
The new direction in which the location moves, in degrees; 1-360. Pass 0 if unknown
inlineMessageId String
Inline message identifier
livePeriod int
New time relative to the message send date, for which the location can be updated, in seconds. If 0x7FFFFFFF specified, then the location can be updated forever.. Otherwise, must not exceed the current live_period by more than a day, and the live location expiration date must remain in the next 90 days. Pass 0 to keep the current live_period
location Location?
New location content of the message; pass null to stop sharing the live location
proximityAlertRadius int
The new maximum distance for proximity alerts, in meters (0-100000). Pass 0 if the notification is disabled
replyMarkup ReplyMarkup?
The new message reply markup; pass null if none
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


copyWith({String? inlineMessageId, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, Location? location, int? livePeriod, int? heading, int? proximityAlertRadius}) EditInlineMessageLiveLocation
Copy model with modified properties.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson([dynamic extra]) Map<String, dynamic>
Convert model to TDLib JSON format
toString() String
Convert model to TDLib JSON format, encoded into String.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


defaultObjectId → const String
TDLib object type