ChatInviteLink class final

ChatInviteLink (chatInviteLink) - basic class

Contains a chat invite link.

  • inviteLink: Chat invite link.
  • name: Name of the link.
  • creatorUserId: User identifier of an administrator created the link.
  • date: Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link was created.
  • editDate: Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link was last edited; 0 if never or unknown.
  • expirationDate: Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire; 0 if never.
  • subscriptionPricing: Information about subscription plan that is applied to the users joining the chat by the link; may be null if the link doesn't require subscription (optional).
  • memberLimit: The maximum number of members, which can join the chat using the link simultaneously; 0 if not limited. Always 0 if the link requires approval.
  • memberCount: Number of chat members, which joined the chat using the link.
  • expiredMemberCount: Number of chat members, which joined the chat using the link, but have already left because of expired subscription; for subscription links only.
  • pendingJoinRequestCount: Number of pending join requests created using this link.
  • createsJoinRequest: True, if the link only creates join request. If true, total number of joining members will be unlimited.
  • isPrimary: True, if the link is primary. Primary invite link can't have name, expiration date, or usage limit. There is exactly one primary invite link for each administrator with can_invite_users right at a given time.
  • isRevoked: True, if the link was revoked.


ChatInviteLink (chatInviteLink) - basic class
ChatInviteLink.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Parse from a json


clientId int?
clientId client identifier
createsJoinRequest bool
True, if the link only creates join request. If true, total number of joining members will be unlimited
creatorUserId int
User identifier of an administrator created the link
currentObjectId String
TDLib object type for current class instance
no setteroverride
date int
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link was created
editDate int
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link was last edited; 0 if never or unknown
expirationDate int
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire; 0 if never
expiredMemberCount int
Number of chat members, which joined the chat using the link, but have already left because of expired subscription; for subscription links only
extra → dynamic
extra callback sign
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
Chat invite link
isPrimary bool
True, if the link is primary. Primary invite link can't have name, expiration date, or usage limit. There is exactly one primary invite link for each administrator with can_invite_users right at a given time
isRevoked bool
True, if the link was revoked
memberCount int
Number of chat members, which joined the chat using the link
memberLimit int
The maximum number of members, which can join the chat using the link simultaneously; 0 if not limited. Always 0 if the link requires approval
name String
Name of the link
pendingJoinRequestCount int
Number of pending join requests created using this link
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
subscriptionPricing StarSubscriptionPricing?
Information about subscription plan that is applied to the users joining the chat by the link; may be null if the link doesn't require subscription


copyWith({String? inviteLink, String? name, int? creatorUserId, int? date, int? editDate, int? expirationDate, StarSubscriptionPricing? subscriptionPricing, int? memberLimit, int? memberCount, int? expiredMemberCount, int? pendingJoinRequestCount, bool? createsJoinRequest, bool? isPrimary, bool? isRevoked, dynamic extra, int? clientId}) ChatInviteLink
Copy model with modified properties.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Convert model to TDLib JSON format
toString() String
Convert model to TDLib JSON format, encoded into String.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


defaultObjectId → const String
TDLib object type