ChatFolder class final

ChatFolder (chatFolder) - basic class

Represents a folder for user chats.

  • title: The title of the folder; 1-12 characters without line feeds.
  • icon: The chosen icon for the chat folder; may be null. If null, use getChatFolderDefaultIconName to get default icon name for the folder (optional).
  • colorId: The identifier of the chosen color for the chat folder icon; from -1 to 6. If -1, then color is disabled. Can't be changed if folder tags are disabled or the current user doesn't have Telegram Premium subscription.
  • isShareable: True, if at least one link has been created for the folder.
  • pinnedChatIds: The chat identifiers of pinned chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") pinned and always included non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium.
  • includedChatIds: The chat identifiers of always included chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") pinned and always included non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium.
  • excludedChatIds: The chat identifiers of always excluded chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") always excluded non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium.
  • excludeMuted: True, if muted chats need to be excluded.
  • excludeRead: True, if read chats need to be excluded.
  • excludeArchived: True, if archived chats need to be excluded.
  • includeContacts: True, if contacts need to be included.
  • includeNonContacts: True, if non-contact users need to be included.
  • includeBots: True, if bots need to be included.
  • includeGroups: True, if basic groups and supergroups need to be included.
  • includeChannels: True, if channels need to be included.


ChatFolder({required String title, ChatFolderIcon? icon, required int colorId, required bool isShareable, required List<int> pinnedChatIds, required List<int> includedChatIds, required List<int> excludedChatIds, required bool excludeMuted, required bool excludeRead, required bool excludeArchived, required bool includeContacts, required bool includeNonContacts, required bool includeBots, required bool includeGroups, required bool includeChannels, dynamic extra, int? clientId})
ChatFolder (chatFolder) - basic class
ChatFolder.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Parse from a json


clientId int?
clientId client identifier
colorId int
The identifier of the chosen color for the chat folder icon; from -1 to 6. If -1, then color is disabled. Can't be changed if folder tags are disabled or the current user doesn't have Telegram Premium subscription
currentObjectId String
TDLib object type for current class instance
no setteroverride
excludeArchived bool
True, if archived chats need to be excluded
excludedChatIds List<int>
The chat identifiers of always excluded chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") always excluded non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium
excludeMuted bool
True, if muted chats need to be excluded
excludeRead bool
True, if read chats need to be excluded
extra → dynamic
extra callback sign
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
icon ChatFolderIcon?
The chosen icon for the chat folder; may be null. If null, use getChatFolderDefaultIconName to get default icon name for the folder
includeBots bool
True, if bots need to be included
includeChannels bool
True, if channels need to be included
includeContacts bool
True, if contacts need to be included
includedChatIds List<int>
The chat identifiers of always included chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") pinned and always included non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium
includeGroups bool
True, if basic groups and supergroups need to be included
includeNonContacts bool
True, if non-contact users need to be included
isShareable bool
True, if at least one link has been created for the folder
pinnedChatIds List<int>
The chat identifiers of pinned chats in the folder. There can be up to getOption("chat_folder_chosen_chat_count_max") pinned and always included non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats, but the limit can be increased with Telegram Premium
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
title String
The title of the folder; 1-12 characters without line feeds


copyWith({String? title, ChatFolderIcon? icon, int? colorId, bool? isShareable, List<int>? pinnedChatIds, List<int>? includedChatIds, List<int>? excludedChatIds, bool? excludeMuted, bool? excludeRead, bool? excludeArchived, bool? includeContacts, bool? includeNonContacts, bool? includeBots, bool? includeGroups, bool? includeChannels, dynamic extra, int? clientId}) ChatFolder
Copy model with modified properties.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Convert model to TDLib JSON format
toString() String
Convert model to TDLib JSON format, encoded into String.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


defaultObjectId → const String
TDLib object type