InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup class final

InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup (internalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup) - child of InternalLinkType

The link is a link to a Telegram bot, which is supposed to be added to a group chat. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot and can be added to groups,. ask the current user to select a basic group or a supergroup chat to add the bot to, taking into account that bots can be added to a public supergroup only by administrators of the supergroup.. If administrator rights are provided by the link, call getChatMember to receive the current bot rights in the chat and if the bot already is an administrator,. check that the current user can edit its administrator rights, combine received rights with the requested administrator rights, show confirmation box to the user,. and call setChatMemberStatus with the chosen chat and confirmed administrator rights. Before call to setChatMemberStatus it may be required to upgrade the chosen basic group chat to a supergroup chat.. Then, if start_parameter isn't empty, call sendBotStartMessage with the given start parameter and the chosen chat; otherwise, just send /start message with bot's username added to the chat.



InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup({required String botUsername, required String startParameter, ChatAdministratorRights? administratorRights, dynamic extra, int? clientId})
InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup (internalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup) - child of InternalLinkType
InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Parse from a json


administratorRights ChatAdministratorRights?
Expected administrator rights for the bot; may be null
botUsername String
Username of the bot
clientId int?
clientId client identifier
currentObjectId String
TDLib object type for current class instance
no setteroverride
extra → dynamic
extra callback sign
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
startParameter String
The parameter to be passed to sendBotStartMessage


copyWith({String? botUsername, String? startParameter, ChatAdministratorRights? administratorRights, dynamic extra, int? clientId}) InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup
Copy model with modified properties.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Convert model to TDLib JSON format
toString() String
Convert model to TDLib JSON format, encoded into String.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


defaultObjectId → const String
TDLib object type