Clients topic


Available HTTP Clients

  • RestClient: A client for REST requests that de/serializes models on request and response.
  • RequestClient: A client that lets you modify request url and headers.
  • InterceptorClient: A client that allows you to add interceptors to requests and responses.
  • RequestInterceptorClient, and ResponseInterceptorClient to individually intercept requests, responses, or exceptions. This is not like ConverterClient, and intercepted information is view only.
  • ConverterClient: A client that allows you to convert requests and responses before they are sent or received.
  • RequestConverterClient, or ResponseConverterClient to individually modify requests or responses.
  • HandleClient: A client that allows retrying HTTP request with different request on response or errors.



A client that can be used to update url and headers of a request body.

final client = RequestClient(
  url: Uri.https(''),
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer xyzsome_sample_tokenabc'

final httpResponse = service.get(Uri(path: '/sample')).jsonBody;

More detailed example: Request Client Example

Note: This could take more memory incase of big request body because it may create a copy of request. I'm still trying to figure out a way to measure and reduce this cost.


Below is a simple use of this client.

// Create a client with url and serializer
final service = RestClient(
    url: Uri.https(''),
  serializer: JsonModelSerializer(deserializers: {
    JsonModelSerializer<TodoModel>((json) => TodoModel.fromJson(json)),

// Make an API call
final response = await service.get(Uri(path: '/todos'));

// Deserialize body as json to a model class.
final List<TodoModel>? data = await<List<TodoModel>>();

HandleClient or Handle.client

A client that allows retrying HTTP request with different request on response or errors.

Following below is an example where we retry a request after updating authorization token if response returns 401 status code.

// handle cases where response returns status 401 when request has invalid authorization token
final client = Handle.client(
  when: (response, count) async {
    return response.statusCode == 401 && await acquireToken();
  updateRequest: (
  ) {
    return lastRequest.createCopy(bodyStream())
      ..headers['authorization'] = token;

// send a request that needs authorization
.get(Uri.http('', '/hello'), headers: {
  'authorization': token,

For a complete sample, see the Handle client sample in the example directory. For more on how to configure clients in handle, see Configuration.


ConverterClient Clients
ConverterClient Clients
ConverterClient Clients
Handle Clients
A client that allows retrying HTTP request with different request on response or errors
Handle Clients
A client that allows retrying HTTP request with different request on response or errors
Handle Clients
A client that allows retrying HTTP request with different request on response or errors
HandleClient Clients
A client that allows retrying HTTP request with different request on response or errors
HandleClient Clients
A client that allows retrying HTTP request with different request on response or errors
HandleClient Clients
A client that allows retrying HTTP request with different request on response or errors
InterceptorClient Clients
InterceptorClient Clients
InterceptorClient Clients
RequestClient Get started Clients
A client that overrides url, headers of the request.
RequestClient Get started Clients
A client that overrides url, headers of the request.
RequestClient Get started Clients
A client that overrides url, headers of the request.
RequestConverterClient Clients
RequestConverterClient Clients
RequestConverterClient Clients
RequestConverterClient Clients
RequestInterceptorClient Clients
RequestInterceptorClient Clients
RequestInterceptorClient Clients
RequestInterceptorClient Clients
ResponseConverterClient Clients
ResponseConverterClient Clients
ResponseConverterClient Clients
ResponseConverterClient Clients
ResponseInterceptorClient Clients
ResponseInterceptorClient Clients
ResponseInterceptorClient Clients
ResponseInterceptorClient Clients
RestClient Get started Configuration Clients
Creates a client that returns RestResponse for a request.
RestClient Get started Configuration Clients
Creates a client that returns RestResponse for a request.
RestClient Get started Configuration Clients
Creates a client that returns RestResponse for a request.
WrapperClient Configuration Clients Error handling
An abstract class that wraps a Client.
WrapperClient Configuration Clients Error handling
An abstract class that wraps a Client.
WrapperClient Configuration Clients Error handling
An abstract class that wraps a Client.