neworigin static method

List<GeoCoordinate2D> neworigin(
  1. GeoCoordinate2D origin,
  2. List<GeoCoordinate2D> coords, [
  3. bool bInPlace = false

Shift coordinates to a new origin by subtracting each coordinates (x,y) with the new origin. If bInPlace is true, the coords array values will be updated, otherwise a new coordinate array will be returned.


static List<GeoCoordinate2D> neworigin(
    GeoCoordinate2D origin, List<GeoCoordinate2D> coords,
    [bool bInPlace = false]) {
  if (bInPlace) {
    for (GeoCoordinate2D coord in coords) {
      coord.x = coord.x - origin.x;
      coord.y = coord.y - origin.y;
    return coords;
  } else {
    List<GeoCoordinate2D> newcoords = <GeoCoordinate2D>[];
    for (GeoCoordinate2D coord in coords) {
      newcoords.add(GeoCoordinate2D(coord.x - origin.x, coord.y - origin.y));
    return newcoords;