tryy<T> function

T? tryy<T>(
  1. T branch(), {
  2. List<On> catches = const [],

The tryy method can be used as a normal try-catch block, or as an expression, i.e. it returns a value.

The tryy allows for assignable try-catch blocks:

final value = tryy(() {
  return someMethodThatCouldFail();
}, catches: [
  On<SomeException>((err) {
    return 1;

The tryy can be used in combination with the OrElse method:

final value = tryy(() {
  return someMethodThatCouldFail();
}, catches: [
  On<SomeException>((err) {
    return 1;
].orElse(() {
  return 1337;


T? tryy<T>(
  T Function() branch, {
  List<On> catches = const [],
}) {
  try {
    return branch();
  } catch (err) {
    for (final catcher in catches) {
      if (catcher.matches(err)) {
        final value = (catcher as dynamic).executor(err);
        assert(value is T);
        return value;
    return null;