loadTextureAtlas static method

Future<GTextureAtlas> loadTextureAtlas(
  1. String imagePath, {
  2. String? dataPath,
  3. double resolution = 1.0,
  4. String? cacheId,

Loads a texture atlas from an image and XML/JSON data file.

The imagePath argument is the path to the image file, while the optional dataPath argument is the path to the XML data file. The resolution argument sets the resolution of the texture. The cacheId argument sets the ID to be used to cache the texture atlas in memory.

If the cacheId argument is not null, and there is a texture atlas already cached with the same ID, this method will return the cached atlas instead of loading a new one.

If the dataPath argument is not provided, this method will attempt to guess the path to the XML data file based on the imagePath argument.

Returns a Future that completes with a GTextureAtlas object.


static Future<GTextureAtlas> loadTextureAtlas(
  String imagePath, {
  String? dataPath,
  double resolution = 1.0,
  String? cacheId,
}) async {
  if (cacheId != null && atlasCache.containsKey(cacheId)) {
    return atlasCache[cacheId]!;
  if (dataPath == null) {
    /// if no index at the end, guess it.
    var lastIndex = imagePath.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (lastIndex == -1) {
      lastIndex = imagePath.length;
    var basePath = imagePath.substring(0, lastIndex);
    dataPath = '$basePath.xml';
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('Warning: using default xml data: $dataPath');
  var texture = await ResourceLoader.loadTexture(imagePath, resolution);
  var xmlData = await ResourceLoader.loadString(dataPath);
  final atlas = GTextureAtlas(texture, xmlData);
  if (cacheId != null) {
    atlasCache[cacheId] = atlas;
  return atlas;