wrap static method

void wrap(
  1. List<GDisplayObject> items, {
  2. double gapX = 0,
  3. double gapY = 0,
  4. double width = 0,
  5. double height = 0,
  6. double startX = 0,
  7. double startY = 0,

Wraps a list of display objects either horizontally or vertically, depending on whether width or height is defined.

If width is defined, the display objects are wrapped horizontally, with gapX specifying the gap between objects. If height is defined, the display objects are wrapped vertically, with gapY specifying the gap between objects.

The starting position of the first object can be set using startX and startY.

Throws an assertion error if neither width nor height is defined.


static void wrap(
  List<GDisplayObject> items, {
  double gapX = 0,
  double gapY = 0,
  double width = 0,
  double height = 0,
  double startX = 0,
  double startY = 0,
}) {
  assert(width > 0 || height > 0);
  final numItems = items.length;
  var cx = .0, cy = .0, lineS = .0;
  if (width <= 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) {
      var itm = items[i];
      itm.x = startX + cx;
      itm.y = startY + cy;
      lineS = Math.max(itm.width, lineS);
      cy += itm.height;
      if (cy < height) {
        cy += gapY;
      } else {
        cy = 0;
        cx += (lineS + gapX);
        lineS = 0;
  } else {
    for (var i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) {
      var itm = items[i];
      itm.x = startX + cx;
      itm.y = startY + cy;
      lineS = Math.max(itm.height, lineS);
      cx += itm.width;
      if (cx < width) {
        cx += gapX;
      } else {
        cx = 0;
        cy += (lineS + gapY);
        lineS = 0;