grid static method

void grid(
  1. List<GDisplayObject> items, {
  2. double gapX = 0,
  3. double gapY = 0,
  4. int rows = 0,
  5. required int cols,
  6. double width = 0,
  7. double height = 0,
  8. double startX = 0,
  9. double startY = 0,

Simplistic grid approach that requires you pass the amount of cols.

Positions the display objects in a grid layout, with the number of rows and columns specified by rows and cols, respectively.

If width and height are defined, the items will be positioned within the specified bounds. Otherwise, the items will be positioned using the maximum dimensions of the items in the list.

gapX and gapY specify the gap between the items, and startX and startY specify the starting position of the first item.


static void grid(
  List<GDisplayObject> items, {
  double gapX = 0,
  double gapY = 0,
  int rows = 0,
  required int cols,
  double width = 0,
  double height = 0,
  double startX = 0,
  double startY = 0,
}) {
  final numItems = items.length;

  /// calculate max item width.
  var maxItemW = .0, maxItemH = .0;

  /// default to start.
  for (var i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) {
    var itm = items[i];
    maxItemW = Math.max(itm.width, maxItemW);
    maxItemH = Math.max(itm.height, maxItemH);
  for (var i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) {
    var itm = items[i];
    var idx = i % cols;
    var idy = i ~/ cols;
    itm.x = startX + idx * (maxItemW + gapX);
    itm.y = startY + idy * (maxItemH + gapY);