conicCurveTo method

Graphics conicCurveTo(
  1. double controlX,
  2. double controlY,
  3. double anchorX,
  4. double anchorY,
  5. double weight, [
  6. bool relative = false,

Draws a conic Bezier curve from the current drawing position to the specified anchor point (anchorX, anchorY), using the specified control point(controlX, controlY) and weight.

If relative is true, the curve is drawn relative to the current position.

A conic Bezier curve is a quadratic Bezier curve that has a "weight" parameter that controls how much the curve bends. The curve is defined by a control point that determines the direction and magnitude of the curve's bend. See also:

The method returns this, which allows for method chaining.


Graphics conicCurveTo(
  double controlX,
  double controlY,
  double anchorX,
  double anchorY,
  double weight, [
  bool relative = false,
]) {
  if (!relative) {
    _path!.conicTo(controlX, controlY, anchorX, anchorY, weight);
  } else {
    _path!.relativeConicTo(controlX, controlY, anchorX, anchorY, weight);
  return this;