tween method

GTween tween({
  1. required double duration,
  2. Object? blurX,
  3. Object? blurY,
  4. Color? color,
  5. EaseFunction? ease,
  6. double? delay,
  7. bool? useFrames,
  8. int overwrite = 1,
  9. VoidCallback? onStart,
  10. Object? onStartParams,
  11. VoidCallback? onComplete,
  12. Object? onCompleteParams,
  13. VoidCallback? onUpdate,
  14. Object? onUpdateParams,
  15. bool? runBackwards,
  16. bool? immediateRender,
  17. Map? startAt,

Animates the properties of this GlowFilter over a given duration using GTween.

The blurX, blurY, and color properties can be animated. You can use the ease, delay, and useFrames parameters to control the ease function, delay, and time units of the animation. The overwrite parameter determines how overlapping animations are handled. You can specify callbacks for when the animation starts, updates, and completes with the onStart, onUpdate, and onComplete parameters, respectively. You can also pass parameters to those callbacks using the onStartParams, onUpdateParams, and onCompleteParams parameters. The runBackwards parameter specifies whether the animation should start in reverse. You can also specify a map of values to use as the initial state of the animation with the startAt parameter.


GTween tween({
  required double duration,
  Object? blurX,
  Object? blurY,
  Color? color,
  EaseFunction? ease,
  double? delay,
  bool? useFrames,
  int overwrite = 1,
  VoidCallback? onStart,
  Object? onStartParams,
  VoidCallback? onComplete,
  Object? onCompleteParams,
  VoidCallback? onUpdate,
  Object? onUpdateParams,
  bool? runBackwards,
  bool? immediateRender,
  Map? startAt,
}) {
  return twn.tween(
    duration: duration,
    blurX: blurX,
    blurY: blurY,
    color: color,
    ease: ease,
    delay: delay,
    useFrames: useFrames,
    overwrite: overwrite,
    onStart: onStart,
    onStartParams: onStartParams,
    onComplete: onComplete,
    onCompleteParams: onCompleteParams,
    onUpdate: onUpdate,
    onUpdateParams: onUpdateParams,
    runBackwards: runBackwards,
    immediateRender: immediateRender,
    startAt: startAt,