tween method

GTween tween({
  1. required double duration,
  2. Object? blurX,
  3. Object? blurY,
  4. EaseFunction? ease,
  5. double? delay,
  6. bool? useFrames,
  7. int overwrite = 1,
  8. VoidCallback? onStart,
  9. Object? onStartParams,
  10. VoidCallback? onComplete,
  11. Object? onCompleteParams,
  12. VoidCallback? onUpdate,
  13. Object? onUpdateParams,
  14. bool? runBackwards,
  15. bool? immediateRender,
  16. Map? startAt,

Creates a tween animation for the blur filter properties.

The duration parameter specifies the duration of the animation. The blurX and blurY parameters specify the end values for the X and Y blur amounts, respectively. The ease parameter specifies the easing function to be used for the animation.

Returns a GTween instance of the animation.


GTween tween({
  required double duration,
  Object? blurX,
  Object? blurY,
  EaseFunction? ease,
  double? delay,
  bool? useFrames,
  int overwrite = 1,
  VoidCallback? onStart,
  Object? onStartParams,
  VoidCallback? onComplete,
  Object? onCompleteParams,
  VoidCallback? onUpdate,
  Object? onUpdateParams,
  bool? runBackwards,
  bool? immediateRender,
  Map? startAt,
}) {
  return twn.tween(
    duration: duration,
    blurX: blurX,
    blurY: blurY,
    ease: ease,
    delay: delay,
    useFrames: useFrames,
    overwrite: overwrite,
    onStart: onStart,
    onStartParams: onStartParams,
    onComplete: onComplete,
    onCompleteParams: onCompleteParams,
    onUpdate: onUpdate,
    onUpdateParams: onUpdateParams,
    runBackwards: runBackwards,
    immediateRender: immediateRender,
    startAt: startAt,