parseAtlasXml method

void parseAtlasXml(
  1. XmlDocument atlasXml

Parses the provided XmlDocument and constructs the atlas.


void parseAtlasXml(xml.XmlDocument atlasXml) {
  var scale = _atlasTexture!.scale;
  var region = GRect();
  var frame = GRect();
  final pivots = <String?, GPoint>{};
  final nodeList = atlasXml.findAllElements('SubTexture');
  for (var subTexture in nodeList) {
    var name = subTexture.getAttribute('name');
    var x = _attrDouble(subTexture, 'x') / scale! * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var y = _attrDouble(subTexture, 'y') / scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var width = _attrDouble(subTexture, 'width') / scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var height = _attrDouble(subTexture, 'height') / scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var frameX = _attrDouble(subTexture, 'frameX') / scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var frameY = _attrDouble(subTexture, 'frameY') / scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var frameWidth =
        _attrDouble(subTexture, 'frameWidth') / scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var frameHeight =
        _attrDouble(subTexture, 'frameHeight') / scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var pivotX = _attrDouble(subTexture, 'pivotX',
        defaultValue: _attrDouble(subTexture, 'anchorX'));
    var pivotY = _attrDouble(subTexture, 'pivotY',
        defaultValue: _attrDouble(subTexture, 'anchorY'));
    pivotX /= scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    pivotY /= scale * _atlasXmlRatio;
    var rotated = _attrBoolean(subTexture, 'rotated', defaultValue: false);
    region.setTo(x, y, width, height);
    frame.setTo(frameX, frameY, frameWidth, frameHeight);
    if (frameWidth > 0 && frameHeight > 0) {
      addRegion(name, region, frame, rotated!);
    } else {
      addRegion(name, region, null, rotated!);
    if (pivotX != 0 || pivotY != 0) {
      /// image bind pivot point to texture!
      pivots[name] = GPoint(pivotX, pivotY);