GTextureAtlas.fixedSizeTile constructor

  1. GTexture texture, {
  2. required double tileWidth,
  3. double? tileHeight,
  4. double tilePadding = 0,
  5. String namePrefix = '',

Constructs a new instance of GTextureAtlas with the provided tile size and texture.

The tileWidth and tileHeight arguments define the size of each tile in the atlas.

The tilePadding argument sets the amount of padding to add around each tile.

The namePrefix argument sets the prefix to use for the name of each tile.

Throws an error if the texture is null.


factory GTextureAtlas.fixedSizeTile(
  GTexture texture, {
  required double tileWidth,
  double? tileHeight,
  double tilePadding = 0,
  String namePrefix = '',
}) {
  tileHeight ??= tileWidth;
  final atlas = GTextureAtlas(texture);
  final cols = texture.width! ~/ tileWidth;
  final rows = texture.height! ~/ tileHeight;
  final total = cols * rows;
  List.generate(total, (index) {
    var px = index % cols;
    var py = index ~/ cols;
    final name = '$namePrefix$index'.padLeft(2, '0');
        px * tileWidth + tilePadding,
        py * tileHeight! + tilePadding,
        tileWidth - tilePadding,
        tileHeight - tilePadding,
  return atlas;